Aimee Sue Photography » Wedding, High School Senior, Family Photographer

Senior Ambassador Program


backrepcard1Aimee Sue Photography offers a unique experience to seniors who are photogenic and very social.


Ambassadors will receive the highest package available ($650) with added benefits.  Ambassadors will get a two session experience with Aimee Sue Photography with all edited prints on a customized USB.  They will get three FREE mini accordion books, rep cards and free professional hair and makeup by That Basic Chic for both experiences.  The senior is required to recruit at least seven seniors to use Aimee Sue photography for their senior experiences by the following May and their session is completely FREE!


The senior ambassador that recruits (at least seven) the most clients will also receive a $ 200 VISA card and the second highest recruiter (at least seven) will receive a $100 VISA card.


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I cannot wait to meet you!  Applications will close when I hire at least one senior from each  local high school.



Payment is required on the date of hire.  Successful recruitment of at least seven clients will result in complete refund of the purchased price.In addition, partial refunding will result in each individual client recruited by the ambassador. For example, five successful recruits will result in a refund of 5/7 of the total purchased price.

S o c i a l   M e d i a